




Forgiveness is the acid test of love. If one can learn to forgive then it is truly love.

Forgiveness is God’s pleasure. There is nothing grudging about forgiveness, least of all the forgiveness of God. It is without limits. No sin is beyond its reach. and God's forgiveness is immediate.

Taking part in the sacrament of penance has been commonly known as “going to confession”. It has never been an easy sacrament to participate in because it involves opening your heart to a priest, who is there in the place of Christ.

In the last number of years this sacrament has developed to allow for individual confession and forgiveness in a group context. This is always a reflective and moving service and is easier to participate in.

In the Sacrament of Reconciliation we experience the love of God reaching out to us, enabling us to be better people, kinder, more loving and more fully alive. We are never forgotten by God and God never gives up on us. He takes us for what we are and leads us to what we might become.

Confession, the telling of sin, is only one part of the sacrament. Most of all the sacrament is an act of celebration. We experience the love of God who is full of compassion and rich in mercy.

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